What do you do when..

May 27, 2010 at 2:07 pm | Posted in What do you do when | 22 Comments

Your status message reads “Doing great ..just a bit tired and a bit sleepy and a bit bored :-)” and your friends ping you and ask if its a “GOOD NEWS”

Yeah ..two of them did ..you know who you are 🙂

And its all because of Abha !!!!

My reply was “I wish it was !”

How do I buy books for Aryan ?

May 26, 2010 at 10:45 am | Posted in Books, Parenting | 8 Comments

I got a mail yesterday asking me about how I introduced books to my son and how I plan his book reading. I realized that I just never gave it too much of thought. It happened quite naturally for me. Though I do not know if I did right or wrong , let me put up my reply to her here :

I never planned my kid’s book reading much. I just did simple things. I went to landmark and bought 4-8 books at a time , every 6 months or so. I provided variety , with simple story books which he reads with me , sticker books , colouring books , magic scratch pads.

About his first books , I remember buying a Pooh board book , because pooh has been his favourite character , a Animal picture board book (Navneet) because Animals fascinate kids and a sticker book. The sticker book was done in a day. The animal book was a daily routine , where he would point at a animal and ask what it was and I would tell him and it slowly went vice versa. The Pooh bear book was again a bed time reading book where I started not by reading but showing the pictures and slowly started reading.

My son is not a bookworm but he likes books. We usually read daily at bedtime but there have been phases when he doesnot want to touch books for a month or so. Then I realize that its time for new ones 🙂

Thats all I have been doing.

Recently though we bought some books from the book fair. We got a lot of variety there and Aryan enjoyed those books a LOT , especially the CBT and Pratham books.

Also I have enrolled to a library for myself and they have quite a many kids books too , so I am planning to introduce the concept of library books to him as well from this month.

Plus I have to see some Tulika books asap. Have been wanting to grab some for long time after reading so much about them.

Also , I would like to mention , buying books for kids doesnot means investing lots of money. I realized that only when I started buying. There are a lot of thin , nice and economical books available for kids. Navneet, Vikas , CBT , Dreamland , Sterling, Pratham and Tulika (I dont have any Tulika 😦 though) are some of the names.

What are your thoughts ?

None of my business though :P

May 19, 2010 at 3:21 pm | Posted in Thoughts, Women | 16 Comments

I do not know how this post will be taken by everyone , especially by women. I know what others wear is none of my business. I know what IHM says is true that a woman should be able to decide what she wants to wear and should wear whatver she is comfortable with. And yet I am writing this.I almost fumed twice at 2 different women at the choice of their T-shirts at public places.

A women in a government office , in a queue , with heavy bust and T shirt which said “Squeeze me”.

Another one in a public gym with a T-shirt which had 2 big humps (speed breakers) at the most apt place and it read , “Careful , bumps ahead”.

What are these women trying to say. That they don’t care. Or that they are modern. Or that they are feminist ?

Personally I do not feel that it was sensible dressing. I think what we wear should be our choice and decision. But as adults we should be responsible with our dressing. We should wear whats apt for a situation , venue and occasion. Just saying that its my will and being rebellious will not change the things. I did a post sometime back against having dress code in offices , because I feel as responsible adults we should be able to decide that ourselves. Wearing appropriate clothes at appropriate places and carrying sensibily what we are wearing , will only enhance our femininity.

Okay done ..now go on ..ready for your bashing.

Depressed :-(

May 17, 2010 at 11:21 am | Posted in cholesterol, Diabetes, Health, Husband | 17 Comments

My father and both my paternal Uncles have gone through a open heart surgery. My Maternal grand mother had gone for Angio-plasty. So I always knew that I am destined to suffer with some sort of cardio vascular disease in this life time. But I wanted to delay it as much by making some lifestyle changes.

In May 2009, I was quite overweight ,and so I pledged to start some excercise every day. In August 2009 , I did lipid profile test for myself and my LDL came to be 136, which was borderline high. I read that excercise and fibrous food can decrease cholestrol levels and I increased my excercise and became more committed. In the process I reduced about 12-13 Kgs of weight. My physical profile changed a lot and I was showered with compliments all over.

I was a happy person until yesterday 😦

My Husband’s maternal aunts and his mother suffer from type 2 diabetes. So he was almost certain that the disease will knock his door some day. But as its called lifestyle diesease , he thought that by reducing a bit of weight , he will be able to delay it.

In May 2009 , he was diagnosed pre-diabetic with fasting Sugar as 105. He started running, swimming and excercising and reduced about 10% of his weight. He thought that he was on right track until yesterday 😦

We both did the respective tests yesterday again and the readings are worse for both of us.

Depressed is what we feel 😦

Sorry Dr. Weiss..

May 6, 2010 at 3:02 pm | Posted in Books | 2 Comments

..but I am disappointed. I read your first book about 5 years back and recommended it to every possible person. I really really loved Many Lives Many Masters for several reasons. But recently I picked up your third book. And I am sorry to say that I loved nothing about it except the title, Only love is real. The title was great and the thought was great too but the book isn’t. Its repeatative. In most of your book you talk about Many Lives Many Masters , about your son and about Catherine. We had already read all of that in previous books. You had a new story to tell but you failed to concentrate on that. Perhaps you did not have enough words for the new story to shape it in a book and hence you said all that you said earlier as well. Also right when the new story is on full bloom I realized that its already over. You ended it so abruptly. In the entire book you kept mentioning that Pedro and Elizabeth knew each other as souls but you failed to portray that connection in an impactful way.

Now you may say that you are not a story teller and that your books are based of your experiences. But then no one wants to read the same experiences twice in 2 different books.

I do not recommend “Only Love is real” to people who have read “Many Lives Many Masters” since there is nothing new to read here.

And I do not recommend “Only Love is real” to people who have NOT read “Many Lives Many Masters” because its better you read MLMM and be done. MLMM was a better read any day.

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