Parenting Woes

June 4, 2008 at 10:41 am | Posted in Language Confusion, Parenting, Potty Training, Walking | 14 Comments

1. How to make him WALK, when we go out? Whenever we go out , he wants to be carried. Carried and that too , only by Mumma. I figured out that he gets scared on road by vehicles , but then he refuses to walk in Malls and supermarkets as well. If you want him to walk , it has to be a open and peaceful place , like a park 😦 Outings have become a pain for me due to this reason. I wish to go out and take him out over the weekends and end up with a frown and bad back ache.

2. How to form his potty habit ? The doctor , the MIL and the husband insist on making him do potty after morning milk. But he refuses to sit.

3. How to avoid the language confusion ? I did post on this long ago and the problem persists.

4. How to save my skin. Aryan bites and hits me at the smallest disagreement.

5. How to make him a bit less sensitive and a bit more social.He cries at the drop of a hat and takes a hell lot of time to mingle with people.

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