Nothing Really..

March 25, 2010 at 2:30 pm | Posted in Cooking, Maid, Tags | 16 Comments

Another post of the kind..I just wanted to let you know that I am not on a sabbactical , just that I am not posting 😛 Wierd na ..well I am wierd. I have a tag and 2 awards waiting , but I have been lazy to post.

Life is moving at pace these days. I have had 6 maids in 6 months with several days when there was none. so please pray that the recent one stays forever. The cook has also gone for vacation for a month and so I am cooking dinner as well (the only meal for which I had the cook) and that hardly leaves any time for me. I hope she comes back on saturday.

Meanwhile I read 2-3 books , easy reads as always. One ofcourse was Bringing up Vasu , the first year by Parul. I had bought it some 3 months back and hardly had time to read…glad that I am finally done 🙂

Then I read 2 states by Chetan Bhagat and NameSake by Jhumpa Lahiri. Currently reading A Thousand Splendid Suns at snail pace. And I’m lovin it. I am so glad that I have finally started reading all over again.

Aryan’s school are closing from 1st April. And I am so waiting for the day , ask me why ..because I will get 30 mins of extra sleep when that happens 😀 Yeah, I am THAT kind of mom. At the same time , I feel I need to do something creative with him these 2 months and make life interesting to him. We did not plan any vacations in summers and so keeping him entertained will be a task. In-laws will be visiting in May and so he would enjoy 20 days of pampering atleast 🙂

Aur Kya …

At work , I have new work , new technology , new things to learn and its working fine atleast as of now. Keeping fingers crossed , knowing what kind of unpredictable company I am in.

And now that I have started writing , let me do the tag as well.

Trish wants me to say 7 things about me and I worry that there would not be anything that you won’t know..but let me try.

1. I want to learn swimming and driving as soon as possible.

2. I am so glad to shed off some extra weight with lot of hard work ofcourse. And I swell up every time someone compliments.

3. In 5 years of my marriage and 3.5 years of motherhood , I have started enjoying cooking and I was secretly glad about the cook’s vacation , since I would be able to try some new recipes in her absence 😛

4. I did not try cooking any new things in this one month , since I would never remember the right thing to try at right time 😛 😛

5. I have 5 different sizes of clothes in my wardrobe and I do not know what to do with them.

6. I think I am a miser , may be. I cannot buy anything because I like it. I should know what I will do with it. Like if its a painting , where would I hang it. But I like to buy soveniers from the places we visit , small little piece as memory of the trip.

7. I have a dream of decorating Aryan’s room like a full fledged kiddy room but being in rented space and being using the other room as guest room , I wonder when will I be able to do that.

Real tough it was, I tell ya!!

And I tag Pixie , Swaram , softypinkngloriousred & Uma

Stars, Moon And Ball :-)

June 29, 2008 at 12:00 pm | Posted in Cooking, Talks about Aryan | 11 Comments

Thought of posting it on Healthy and Tasty , but then I am not sure if it qualify as a recipe. Potato cutlets in various shapes for the prince of the house.

Aryan first look was of surprise. Second he tried pasting them to sky. Third he took a few bites 🙂 Worth the effort..what do you say ?

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