I am an Advocating Realist

May 23, 2008 at 5:53 am | Posted in Introspection | 6 Comments

They said I am an Advocating Realist. NOW , Whats that ???

is where they tell that in detail.

Preserved this just for my own reference 🙂


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  1. Since I know you so well, I can easily say so much of it is true!! 😀

  2. Your second most prominent trait is Feminism. hmm cool 😉

    Ohh and yeah.. if all this is true.. be a manager (unless u already work being one). It will suit u and the org the most 😉 😉 😉

  3. http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=ttwCKtvHKckdNmX-OJ-DACAD-b5b1&u=291979c3ba62

    This is what I got, I know I am doing my MBA, but this was the least I expected 😉

    Now, rest assured, all this might be crap! 😉

  4. Swati, please feel free to come to Short and Sweet and respond to people. 🙂

  5. hi! it says i’m a real analyst, but i think the glossary of traits they’ve put up is total crap!

  6. What does that mean..

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